
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Unconstituional Bush

Some days I just feel so alone in my anger and frustration over the abuses the Bush administration has visited upon our country. Occasionally there is a ray of sunlight that breaks through - like the 2006 elections when Democrats regained control of Congress. But the clouds quickly rolled back in when it became clear, very,very quickly that their leadership was unable to actually bring change to the way things were being done.

Today - just a ray - yes, a single ray - of light peeking through the clouds as I realize that there are others - people of influence - beginning to ask for the changes that I hope for as well.

The following is from The Nation - click the link to read the whole article...

We are lawyers in the United States of America. As such, we have all taken an oath obligating us to defend the Constitution and the rule of law…. We believe the Bush administration has committed numerous offenses against the Constitution and may have violated federal laws…. Moreover, the administration has blatantly defied congressional subpoenas, obstructing constitutional oversight …. Thus, we call on House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers and Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy to launch hearings into the possibility that crimes have been committed by this administration in violation of the Constitution…. We call for the investigations to go where they must, including into the offices of the President and the Vice President. -- American Lawyers Defending the Constitution.

Over one thousand lawyers – including former Governor Mario Cuomo and former Reagan administration official Bruce Fein – have signed onto the above statement demanding wide-ranging investigative hearings into unconstitutional and potentially criminal activity by the Bush administration.

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