
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Privatizing Our Government

Ronald Reagan was the primary mover and shaker behind the outsourcing of our government. I am sure there was some before him and there have been definitely several after him who reduced the size of the bureaucracy, but it was his claim to fame. We still see the impact of it today.

Ronald Reagan broke the back of the Air Traffic Controllers Union when they went on strike for higher wages and more controllers. Today, there are far too controllers (wages are too low and stress too high) resulting in a much higher rate of near misses in our skies.

Ronald Reagan escalated the use of private business to do the job of the government while downsizing the government itself. As I've noted in this blog before, it means that instead of hiring government employees at $50,000 to $100,000 per year, we now pay private contractors to do the work for $400 per hour and up. BUT - the money goes into the pockets of big business and their friends.

As an example, one need only look at Blackwater, KBR and Halliburton as huge corporations making a fortune from no-bid contracts to do jobs that used to be done by the military and the grunts working for the government.

Following is a video pointing to some of the cronyism and crookedness that rewards the fat cats in just one department - DHS.

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