
Saturday, November 03, 2007

Gunatanamo is a Hell Hole

The morality of those in the Bush Administration, along with their professed love for the Christian Word, must lead one to believe, if they are to be believed, that their God is a heartless, cruel and demonic God.

The following is from Daily Kos - click the link to read more.

Lt. Col. Colby Vokey has served in the Marine Corp for the last twenty years, and spent the last four as chief of the Corps' defense lawyers for the western United States. Everyone who knows Vokey has described him as the straightest of straight arrows.


The U.S. has imprisoned hundreds of "enemy combatants" at Guantanamo Bay in a military legal system that Vokey denounces as "horrific." Vokey saw the system first-hand when he agreed two years ago to defend a teenager there who had been charged with murdering a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan. Vokey said he knew the case would be difficult, but he discovered that the legal system at Guantanamo is a "sham."

Vokey's 15 year-old Canadian client had been tortured into signing a confession, including being used a "human mop" to wipe his own urine off the floor after being left chained in painful positions for many hours at a time. Vokey was kept from meeting with his client, or from seeing the evidence against him.

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