
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

War is criminal and serves as a good argument for atheism - why would a loving God, creating us in his own image, give us the ability to hate other nations so much as to want to slaughter them? It does not compute.

But there is a new wrinkle to war these days, at least war as it is waged by the United States. Nowadays we try to protect civilians while attacking the enemy. This is relatively new and it gives the enemy a huge advantage - they can hide among the innocents and watch us wring our hands as non-combatants get killed - or we do not even attack for fear of killing innocent people.

If we really, really want to win the war in Iraq and gain total surrender from the insurgents, our soldiers must have the ability to go after anyone and everyone who is a threat even when civilians, women and children get killed in the process. The following clips suggest the problem remains acute for US troops...

A Pentagon group has encouraged some U.S. military snipers in Iraq to target suspected insurgents by scattering pieces of "bait," such as detonation cords, plastic explosives and ammunition, and then killing Iraqis who pick up the items, according to military court documents.


Eugene Fidell, president of the National Institute of Military Justice, said such a baiting program should be examined "quite meticulously" because it raises troubling possibilities, such as what happens when civilians pick up the items.

From the Washington Post

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