
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Blackwater is Part of the Problem

You are paying for this nonsense with no-bid contracts and no oversight. Our military is broken and we're trying to repair it with a mercenary army. Ronald Reagan must surely be smiling in his grave. Next step - hiring out our representatives (small r - includes President, Congress and the Judiciary). Oh - wait a minute - isn't that what the lobbyists are doing? Paying off our representatives? Hmmm...

The colonel was furious. "Can you believe it? They actually drew their weapons on U.S. soldiers." He was describing a 2006 car accident, in which an SUV full of Blackwater operatives had crashed into a U.S. Army Humvee on a street in Baghdad's Green Zone. The colonel, who was involved in a follow-up investigation and spoke on the condition he not be named, said the Blackwater guards disarmed the U.S. Army soldiers and made them lie on the ground at gunpoint until they could disentangle the SUV. His account was confirmed by the head of another private security company.

From Daily Kos - read more by clicking on the link.

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