
Friday, August 10, 2007

Did You Know - Making Nonsense of Mathematics

I suppose the freedoms provided in our Bill of Rights have to allow for some nutjobs to promote their ignorant view of the world, but don't you suppose the following should be a part of a religious education? Should we not still require all students to get a secular education first - and allow religious education only on their own time? Still, this is pretty funny.

Here's what's available at Castle Hills First Baptist School, in San Antonio: Academics.

For example, Calculus:

Students will examine the nature of God as they progress in their understanding of mathematics. Students will understand the absolute consistency of mathematical principles and know that God was the inventor of that consistency. Mathematical study will result in a greater appreciation of God and His works in creation. The students will understand the basic ideas of both differential and integral calculus and its importance and historical applications. The students will recognize that God created our minds to be able to see that the universe can be calculated by mental methods.

It's a private school, so they can teach any kind of nonsense they like.

From the J-Walk Blog.

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