
Friday, June 01, 2007

Did You Know - In the News

Dick Cheney is not a "Man of the People." He is clearly a bit of a recluse and resentful of the "common man." What do you suppose he has to hide now?

From Corruption Chronicles...

In keeping with the Bush Administration’s tradition of withholding information from the public, the vice president has demanded in writing that the Secret Service destroy data on who has visited him at his official residence.

Vice President Dick Cheney’s attorney wrote the hard-hitting letter to the Secret Service after a major newspaper sought copies of who visited him at his residence on the grounds of the Naval Observatory. A federal judge eventually ordered the records released because they are subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) but a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals later issued an emergency stay blocking the order.

Cheney’s counsel claims that the information is covered by executive privilege and therefore does not have to be disclosed to the public. The official letter orders the Secret Service to return all documents in its possession and not to retain any copies or information relating to the vice president’s visitors

More on Dick Cheney's warmth and humanitarian nature. Seems like he thinks we should behave like the barbarians - because they do it. Not much sense in our displaying a higher degree of morality.

From Raw Story...

Vice President Dick Cheney criticized the notion of applying the Geneva Conventions to individuals captured in the course of the war on terrorism in a Saturday commencement address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York.

"Capture one of these killers, and he'll be quick to demand the protections of the Geneva Convention and the Constitution of the United States," the Vice President said in the Saturday morning speech. "Yet when they wage attacks or take captives, their delicate sensibilities seem to fall away."

This next story is hard to believe. Conservatives really do hate people.

From the New York Times...

The Supreme Court struck a blow for discrimination this week by stripping a key civil rights law of much of its potency. The majority opinion, by Justice Samuel Alito, forced an unreasonable reading on the law, and tossed aside longstanding precedents to rule in favor of an Alabama employer that had underpaid a female employee for years. The ruling is the latest indication that a court that once proudly stood up for the disadvantaged is increasingly protective of the powerful.

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