
Sunday, June 03, 2007

Did You Know - Gov. Jim Gibbons

Exactly how many Republicans have to be spotlighted as nincompoops before it becomes clear that many of them are off their rockers? What is it about the GOP that seems to attract so many nut cases? And what about the fact that they can get elected? What does that say about human intelligence?

From the New York Times...

Life these days for Gov. Jim Gibbons of Nevada might kindly be described as suboptimal.

In the last few months, Mr. Gibbons, a Republican, announced a plan to turn coal into jet fuel to raise money (problematic, as Nevada has no coal to speak of) and proposed paying for a $3.8 billion shortfall in highway construction money by selling water rights under state highways (it turns out the state did not actually own the rights).

He told a local editorial board he could not pronounce the name of his energy adviser because she was “Indian” — she is Turkish — and vetoed a bill that would stop budget-busting tax breaks for builders of “green” buildings before issuing an executive order to end them anyway (with the exception of four companies).

Mr. Gibbons is the subject of a Federal Bureau of Investigation inquiry into whether he failed to report gifts from a military contractor while serving in Congress.

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