
Monday, March 19, 2007

Do You Care - American Corporations

Following is a great ediortial from Austin Cline over at Jesus General's blog. Click here to read the whole thing.

The American citizens, who will never be offered "contributions" from a company like Halliburton, have other reasons to be concerned: Dubai appears to be a prime location for transferring banned, "dual use" exports to countries not supposed to receive them. These are products which can be used to produce nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. Dubai buys far more than it keeps, so where is all the extra material going? The U.S. government has its suspicions, but Dubai is too much of an ally for those suspicions to be voiced too loudly.

What's truly surprising about all of this is how surprised people seem to be. None of this is new — American corporations have been trading with America's enemies for as long as they have been able. They are corporations first and Americans second. A corporation's ultimate allegiance is to the bottom line and the pursuit of profit, not to American liberty or justice. American corporations have a long history of sacrificing the long-term interests of the environment, their own workers, and even the economy for the sake of the short term and the profits of the next quarter.

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