
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Did You Know - Rocky Anderson

Even from the most conservative state in the union, many of us realize the best thing for the U.S. would be to impeach President Bush and Vice-President Cheney.

From the Salt Lake Tribune...

OLYMPIA, Wash. - This capital gave Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson a platform he never would be afforded on his home turf: excoriating the U.S. president before state lawmakers.

On Thursday, at a rally and before a Washington state Senate panel, Anderson called on Congress to restore the country's moral standing and commitment to democracy by ousting President Bush.

"Never before has there been such a compelling case for impeachment and removal from office of the President of the United States," Anderson told Democratic members of a Senate Government Operations and Elections Committee, while ticking off a list of alleged Bush offenses, from violating human rights to undercutting the Constitution to committing "war crimes."

1 comment:

  1. Revelation 13:5 - Are we in this 42 month period?
