
Monday, February 19, 2007

Did You Know - Neal Horsley

Neal Horsley is another right-wing fanatic. He hosts a website on which he presents the opinion that homosexuality is an abomination and that premarital sex is a sin. In 2005 Mr. Horsley admitted on a radio talk show that when he was growing up on the farm, as a boy, he had had sex with the animals. He stated, "When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule."

One can assunme, since the law in Georgia allows marriage only between a man and a woman, that Neal and the mule were not married. This means that Neal was engaged in premarital sex and thus, he is a sinner, probably doomed to Hell. Not to excuse the fact that Neal was committing the sin/crime of beastiality - which may be okay in his book, because he did it. And, well, because he grew up on a farm in Georgia.

As I've said repeatedly in this series of little stories, the people who feel the need to yell the loudest over non-traditional sex are most often the most perverted of all.

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