
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Political Commentary Through Images

President Bush is choking on the blood of young Americans. He's fighting a war that can't be won. Even if he poured another 200,000 U.S. troops into Iraq and managed to quell the violence, it still wouldn't stop the hate between Sunni's and Shiites. He's got to let them duke it out and find their own solutions to their problems. Suppose someone else had interfered in the middle of the U.S. civil war and tried to impose external controls and solutions? The north and south would probably still be at war today.

Bush's horrible policies have upset the entire balance of power in the world. Our allies are less close to us now than they have been since WW II. Fewer of the third world countries can rely on us for support. And China and the Orient own most of out national debt - they could wipe out our economy in a matter of minutes.

Mr. President's policies have been formulated in ignorance and based on a very narrow view of the world. It will haunt the American people for decades to come. One only hopes that our next administration can begin to put a dent in repairing the damage that Bush and Co. have done.

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