
Saturday, December 02, 2006

In the News

I have long marveled at the polls that show that thirty-something percent of the American population still support President Bush. He's obviously, to anyone with any education and knowledge of the issues in his policies, a simple-minded individual with a bit of a mean streak.

But it is becoming clearer by the day that we have a class of individuals in this country who either have no logical abilities or who allow themselves to be completely ruled by their emotions. They do not understand, or care about, our Bill of Rights nor do they care about human beings in general. These folks are evil and dangerous.

In a recent talk-radio incident, host Jerry Klein suggested that Muslims living in the U.S. should be tattooed with a crescent moon or an armband. His response was mixed, and many callers called him up short, telling him he was nuts. But many other callers told him he didn't go far enough - that the U.S. Muslims, many of them citizens, should be put in concentration camps or deported from the country.

Jerry's point was a hoax and even he was amazed at the hatred that spewed froth from some of his listeners. It just goes to show where that 30% support for George W. Bush comes from. It amazes me that that there is such a pervasive attitude in this country.

To read more of this hoax, go to Yahoo News...

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