
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Republican Tactics - Blame the Victims
Let Them Die In The Streets!
At a congressional field hearing organized by House Republicans, politicians and health care officials said more needs to be done to require people seeking government health benefits to prove they are in the country legally.

"Fewer poor Americans get Medicaid because illegal aliens get Medicaid," said Rep. Charlie Norwood, a Republican member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. "It's that simple."

Critics of the plan, however, argue that problems with the nation's health system go far beyond immigration, and said illegal immigrants are being unfairly used as scapegoats.
Republicans manipulate the national psyche.
Read more at The Hudson Reporter

Under President George W. Bush and a Republican-dominated U.S. Congress, federal money is being steered away from Democratic strongholds for investment in Republican dominated enclaves in the Southern and Western parts of the United States.

Nowhere has this manipulation of federal money been made more obvious than over the issuing of federal Homeland Security funds.
Although victims of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, New York City, northern New Jersey and Washington D.C. saw funding cut, while Republican strongholds at little risk elsewhere in the country got their piece of the economic pie. This was not an oversight, but part of a consistent political policy.

Unsaid in the security debate over control of U.S. ports last year, when the Bush administration sought to give control over to Middle Eastern nationals, was the fact that Democrats - in particular, U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez - had laid out plans for port development here, part of the massive effort to revitalize the local economy and help shift the balance of economic power back to a largely Democratic region.

By giving over control of the local ports to Republican-favored contractors, Bush also tried to control of local economic interests, taking away perhaps the ability of the Northeast to determine its own destiny.

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