
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Jerry Falwell on Bush's faith-based initiatives: Falwell: Deep Concerns.

"I have deep concerns about the faith-based initiatives--but I am in support. Mr. Bush has thought this out. What they have in mind is totally valid and acceptable."

But his concern and fear is that religions other than his own might get some funding.

"Suddenly the Church of Scientology, the Jehovah Witnesses, the various and many denominations and religious groups--and I don't say those words in a pejorative way--begin applying for money--and I don't see how any can be turned down because of their radical and unpopular views. I don't know where that would take us...

I think the Moslem faith teaches hate. I think there's clear evidence that the Islam religion, wherever it has majority control--and I can name a dozen countries--doesn't even allow people of other faiths to express themselves or evangelize or to exist in their presence.... I think that when persons are clearly bigoted towards other persons in the human family, they should be disqualified from funds."

Still, he has complete faith in our leader:

"I am such a strong admirer and supporter of George W. Bush that if he suggested eliminating the income tax or doubling it, I would vote yes on first blush. I have such strong confidence in him as a leader, a man of integrity, and a Christian brother that I want to be a help, never a hindrance, to what he's doing."

Is this the guy poster child for religious morons or what?

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