
Friday, July 28, 2006

From the "Dizzy" Blog

One Pissed Off Veteran: Christian Reconstructionists :

"Long story short, these assholes want nothing less than doing away completely with American democracy and substituting in its place a fundo Xian theocracy that believes in slavery ('it's in the Bible!') and stones to death all unbelievers, abortionists, homosexuals, fornicators and pornographers (just for starters). They also believe that democracy is heresy, public schools are satanic and evolution is demonic. And they call for the assassination of 'tyrants' -- which under their definition I suppose would include public school teachers, 'activist' judges, Democrats, liberals, film producers, nuns, agnostics, ACLU-ers, etc etc.

Ordinarily they'd be considered way out on the lunatic fringe on the American religio-political scene, right up there with the Branch Davidians and the Ramtha cult, but these fuckers have some powerful allies at the top of the Xian Right: James Focus-on-the-Fetus Dobson, world champion strongman Pat I-Can-Lift-a-Sherman-Tank Robertson, Jerry Tinky-Wink-is-a-Homo Falwell, among others."

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