
Thursday, June 22, 2006

From Think Progress


Across the country, right-wing activists are launching campaigns to impose a so-called "Taxpayer's Bill of Rights" (TABOR) on the states. TABOR arbitrarily caps "increases in state spending based on only two factors -- population growth and the consumer price index ." Last November, Colorado residents voted to suspend TABOR, recognizing the disastrous economic and social impacts it had wrought on the state. Now, in order to pass TABOR in other states, the right wing is trying to dupe voters into signing petitions. Montanans are reporting "being tricked or coerced into signing ballot initiative petitions they didn't intend to sign," including for the TABOR initiative. The Oklahoma petition may have more than 120,000 invalid signatures on it. A group of petition challengers, including "several bankers, businessmen and a former Republican attorney general," allege that "thousands of people who signed the petition were not registered to vote in Oklahoma and therefore ineligible to sign the document," and the petitions were circulated "by people who were ineligible because they were from out of state and not Oklahoma residents or voters." The TABOR campaign in Oregon refuses to disclose its donors, 90 percent of whom have donated through the intermediary groups Americans for Limited Government, based in Chicago, and Americans for Tax Reform, run by Grover Norquist, in Washington, D.C.

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