
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Political Fun and Commentary

Are you one of the few left in the world who still think that Geroge W. Bush isn't stark, raving mad? The link below the Private Eye funny is about our King George gone mad. I've posted clips of the article instead of quotes as the web page is blocking cut and paste functions...

From Talking Points Memo, quotes from the Seymore Hersch article in the New Yorker on Iran. Click on a text block for a larger view. This is some pretty serious shit...

War Has Its Advantages...

From OpEd News - click here to

There is some really interesting information and some really interesting thoughts in this article regarding war and democracy. Worth the few minutes it will take to read it...

In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the way a seemingly democratic president kept his nation in a continual state of repression was by keeping the nation in a constant state of war. Cynics suggest the lesson wasn’t lost on Lyndon Johnson or Richard Nixon, who both, they say, extended the Vietnam war so it coincidentally ran over election cycles, knowing that a wartime President’s party is more likely to be reelected and has more power than a President in peacetime.

This wasn’t a new lesson, however, and Orwell was not the first to note that a democracy at war was weakened and at risk.

1 comment:

  1. You do have a way of finding the best images. Kudos.
