
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

More on Bush's spying...

Last Monday, on MLK day, ex Vice-President made a speech in which he accused Geroge Bush of lying and breaking the law when he instructed the NSA to spy on Americans without obtaining the permission of the courts. Within hours, Attorney-General Alberto Gonzalez and White-House Spokesman Scott McClellan blasted Al Gore for his remarks. Al Gore has since responded...

Al Gore's response to Scottie's and Alberto's lies:

The Administration's response to my speech illustrates perfectly the need for a special counsel to review the legality of the NSA wiretapping program. The Attorney General is making a political defense of the President without even
addressing the substantive legal questions that have so troubled millions of Americans in both political parties.

There are two problems with the Attorney General's effort to focus attention on the past instead of the present administration's behavior. First, as others have thoroughly documented, his charges are factually wrong. Both before and after the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was amended in 1995, the Clinton/Gore Administration complied fully and completely with the terms of the law.

Second, the Attorney General's attempt to cite a previous
administration's activity as precedent for theirs -- even though factually wrong -- ironically demonstrates another reason why we must be so vigilant about their brazen disregard for the law. If unchecked, their behavior would serve as a precedent to encourage future residents to claim these same powers, which many legal experts in both parties believe are clearly illegal.

The issue, simply put, is that for more than four years, the executive branch has been wiretapping many thousands of American citizens without warrants in direct contradiction of American law. It is clearly wrong and disrespectful to the American people to allow a close political associate of the president to be in charge of reviewing serious charges against him.

The country needs a full and independent investigation into the facts and legality of the present Administration's program.

I got this quote from Daily Kos Blog

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