Sunday, August 10, 2014

Republican hypocrisy made large


Bradh MacBradh Cernunnos [born Brad Hartliep] said...

You don't know what the term REPUBLICAN means .. The GOP is NOT Republican - the GOP is CONSERVATIVE .. REPUBLICANS are America's ORIGINAL Liberals and America's ORIGINAL Progressives .. And as a REPUBLICAN I have NEVER supported cutting Food Stamps or supporting the Rich Elite .. You've been lied to - Research Classical Republicaanism .. Research Benjamin Franklin - a REPUBLICAN .. research Abe Lincoln - a REPUBLICAN - Research Teddy Roosevelt -a REPUBLICAN who invented Progressive Assiatnce to the Poor .. research Ike Eisenhower - a REPUBLICAN who Opposed Afolf Hitler, Nazism , and the Democratic Party's RACISM and Hatred of Black Americans - Eisenhower did MORE for Social Reform and Black Rights and Black Freedom than every single Socialist in History .. The GOP is NOT the Republican Party .. The GOP is the CONSERVATIVE Party .. Progressive Social Growth is the FOUNDATION of the Republican party and has been since 1776 - when REPUBLICANS opposed Slavery and Democrats demanded they have a right to keep slaves ..

Bozo Funny said...

I do know all that you have posted. I enjoy history and read about it and study it quite regularly. Times change. They call themselves Republican - they vote on a party line called Republican. I am just using their own labels.