
Monday, April 30, 2007

Political Cartoons

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Did You Know - Senator McCain is Missing!

Is Senator John McCain the man we want for President? Seems to me like he's pretty irresponsible. Maybe it's his age - he might be getting very forgetful. The following is from the Washington Post - click here to read more...

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), missing another major vote on the Iraq war today in favor of presidential campaigning, has pulled far ahead of his 2008 rivals in at least one category: absenteeism.

McCain, who missed today's vote while campaigning in South Carolina as part of another re-launch of his White House bid, has gone two straight weeks without casting a single vote on the chamber floor. He's missed 18 straight votes.

Over the last month, the Senate has held 33 votes. McCain, the onetime frontrunner for the Republican nomination, has been on hand for just seven of those votes.

Political Fun

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Did You Know - Randall Tobias

You have to begin to ask yourself, after a while, did GWB purposely go searching for hypocrites when he put together his White House team? As I've said repeatedly in my posts, those who speak the most about imposing their morality on everyone else are most often them most egregious perpetrators of moral crimes.

The following is from USA Today - click here to read the whole article...

A senior Bush administration official [Randall Tobias] has stepped down from his post amid allegations that he was one of thousands of people who patronized an escort service in the nation's capital.

And here's an excerpt from an interview on his role as HIV/AIDS coordinator with the PBS program Frontline:
The Congress I think very appropriately has put into the legislation that created this program that organizations, in order to receive money, need to have a policy opposed to prostitution and sex trafficking. I don't think it's too difficult for people to be opposed to prostitution and sex trafficking, which are in fact two contributing causes to the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Did You Know - Confusion (Who to Support)

The presidential race has started oh, so early, and left many on the sidelines in stunned disbelief that we're going to have to live with this for so long. Even the supporters of GWB are confused. The following is from the Chicago Tribune - click here to read the whole shebang.

This is the first time in five decades that neither the sitting president nor vice president is seeking the White House. The last time that occurred was 1952 when Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican war hero, defeated Democratic Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois.

Those close to Bush are deeply concerned with protecting the president's legacy, and they want the next president to be someone who will pursue Bush's agenda, especially in prosecuting the Iraq war.

Did You Know - Bush Admin Hides Stuff

You know - it's good that the Bush administration is honest about trying to cover up their lack of ethcis and their lies. There - I've always wanted to say something good about them. The following clip is from the New York Times - click here to read the whole blurb...

The Justice Department notified Congressional investigators that it was withholding more than 170 documents on the ouster of eight United States attorneys , saying it would be inappropriate to turn over material on inquiries from members of Congress and the news media.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Video - Rove Deletes His Email

Karl Rove goes about deleteing his incriminating emails.

Did You Know - Online Gambling

I don't gamble online, but I never understood the ban that the Republicans imposed just last year. Sometimes it seems like the Republican mantra is, "if it feels good, ban it!" Rep. Barney Frank is proposing to allow online gambling again. I wonder how this will turn out? The article is from Bloomberg - click here to read the whole article...

April 26 (Bloomberg) -- Representative Barney Frank, the Democratic chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, introduced legislation that would allow online gambling in the U.S., loosening a ban enacted last year.

The measure would allow Americans to bet online with licensed Internet operators that have safeguards against underage and compulsive gambling and agree to be subject to U.S. jurisdiction and taxes, Frank said at a press conference in Washington.

Did You Know - Bush Lies

The Bush Administration will do anything and everything it can to prolong the war in Iraq. Lying is just one of the tactics they've used, but they use it all of the time. The following is from the McClatchy News Service - click here to read the whole article.

WASHINGTON - U.S. officials who say there has been a dramatic drop in sectarian violence in Iraq since President Bush began sending more American troops into Baghdad aren't counting one of the main killers of Iraqi civilians.

Car bombs and other explosive devices have killed thousands of Iraqis in the past three years, but the administration doesn't include them in the casualty counts it has been citing as evidence that the surge of additional U.S. forces is beginning to defuse tensions between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Video - Supporting the Troops

Horny Country Girl Pulls Her Panties Down for U.S. Troops. Adult themes and language.

Video - Limbaugh's Racism

Rush Limbaugh's "Barack the Magic Negro." Sort of tells you what sort of man Rush really is.

Did You Know - It's a Barrier

President Bush has long wanted to untie the Iraqis and he might have found a way. By building a 3-mile long wall through Baghdad to searate Sunni and Shiite militias, he's now got EVERYONE against his actions. What an unltra-maroon. Click here to read the whole article...

BAGHDAD — U.S. and Iraqi military officials scrambling to deflect criticism of a wall being erected to separate a volatile Sunni Muslim neighborhood from surrounding Shiite areas insisted Monday that the structure is not a wall at all.

It's a barrier.

The distinction comes because it is a temporary structure, they said of the 14,000-pound slabs of concrete placed side by side on the edge of Sunni-dominated Adhamiya, in northeastern Baghdad. When completed, it is expected to be 3 miles long.

Did You Know - Unhappy Marine

The following is posted on Craig's List - a rant from a marine who served in Iraq. Is it real? Don't know. Dos it express some of the sentiments a lot of us have about the war? Perhaps. Click here to read the whole letter. (Adult Language)

How do I dare say this to you moronic war supporters who are "Supporting our Troops" and waving the flag and all that happy horse shit? I'll tell you why. I'm a Marine and I served my tour in Iraq. My husband, also a Marine, served several. I left the service six months ago because I got pregnant while he was home on leave and three days ago I get a visit from two men in uniform who hand me a letter and tell me my husband died in that fucking festering sand-pit. He should have been home a month ago but they extended his tour and now he's coming home in a box.

Did You Know - Training Iraqis

Yes indeedy - we're training the Iraqis and we're doing a good job. As a matter of fact, they can cover up the truth about the war and lie about casualties almost as well as the Bush administration. We're doing a bang-up job!

From the Examiner - click here to read the whole article...

BAGHDAD The Iraqi government withheld recent casualty figures from the United Nations, fearing they would be used to present a grim picture of Iraq that would undermine the coalition's security efforts, U.N. officials said Wednesday.

Working with its own figures, the U.N. released a new human rights report Wednesday saying that sectarian violence continued to claim the lives of a large number of Iraqi civilians in Sunni Arab and Shiite neighborhoods of Iraq's capital, despite the coalition's new Baghdad security plan. Begun Feb. 14, it has increased U.S. and Iraqi troops levels in the capital.

Did You Know - Bush Hates People

The pattern of abuse by the Bush administration continues. Making every effort to support big business at the expense of the little guy, the poor get poorer and sick get sicker. I simply fail to understand how on God's green earth this is tolerated by those who elect our governmental representatives.

The following is from the Washington Post - click here to read the entire article...

Since George W. Bush became president, OSHA has issued the fewest significant standards in its history, public health experts say. It has imposed only one major safety rule. The only significant health standard it issued was ordered by a federal court.

The agency has killed dozens of existing and proposed regulations and delayed adopting others. For example, OSHA has repeatedly identified silica dust, which can cause lung cancer, and construction site noise as health hazards that warrant new safeguards for nearly three million workers, but it has yet to require them.

Did You Know - Spitzer and Gays

Wow - there are some humanists in our political circles - adults who are of the opinion that we are really all about people, not business. And who believe that we ought to respect everyone. Even if this leads to civil unions as a compromise, this is a step in the right direction. From a New York Times opinion piece - click here to read more.

The news that Gov. Eliot Spitzer will soon introduce a bill to legalize same-sex marriage — what he calls “a simple moral imperative” — is welcome and could give new national momentum to this important cause. Mr. Spitzer would be the first governor in the nation to introduce a gay marriage bill. But if he is going to make a real difference, rather than simply checking off a box to fulfill a campaign promise, he will have to fight for the law vigorously.

Did You Know - Representative Tom Feeney

More Republican shenanigans. From Tampa - click here to read the whole article...

WASHINGTON - The FBI has asked U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney for information about his dealings with Jack Abramoff as part of its ongoing investigation into the lobbyist convicted of defrauding clients.

FBI agent Kevin Luebke refused to say whether Feeney, a Republican from the Orlando area, is under federal investigation.

Federal agents also have asked the St. Petersburg Times for an email sent to the newspaper by Feeney's office describing a golfing trip the congressman took with Abramoff to Scotland in 2003.

Feeney did not return calls for comment Monday. But his Washington office released a statement to the Times late Monday.

"Rep. Feeney considers this an embarrassing episode in his 17-year career as an elected official and an expensive lesson for him as a public servant," according to the statement.
Feeney is one of three House members who accompanied Abramoff to Scotland on trips that included rounds of golf at the legendary Royal & Ancient Golf Club at St. Andrews.
The others are: former Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, who is serving prison time for corruption, and former House Republican leader Tom DeLay, indicted in Texas for alleged improper fundraising, is under investigation.