Saturday, February 11, 2017

Trump And His ‘Law And Order’ AG Sign Executive Orders Giving Cops Power To Shoot Black People

By Shannon Barber on February 10, 2017 1:39 pm ·

Police violence against people of color is a huge problem in America. The worst part of it is that these people almost never even make it to trial, much less get convicted. It’s a horrific pattern of abuse and state-sanctioned murder that seems to have no end in sight. Well, tragically, under Donald Trump and his new racist Attorney General Jeff Sessions, things are about to get a whole hell of a lot worse.

As soon as Sessions was sworn in, he stood with Trump as they announced three new executive orders giving cops even more power to murder with impunity and without consequence. Citing the “threat of rising crime” and “public safety” as his justifications, Trump just signed the death warrants of many more people of color at the hands of police. Trump says of the orders:

“I am directing the Department of Justice to reduce crimes and crimes of violence against law enforcement officers.”
“It’s a shame, what has been happening to our great, our truly great, law enforcement officers. That is going to stop today.”

Trump went on to basically threaten people with the orders, saying he was sending a “clear sign” to anyone who might put a toe out of line. He said to the would-be criminals:

“Your day is over. A new era of justice begins and it begins right now.”

One of the documents is said to “define new federal crimes, and increase penalties for existing federal crimes, in order to prevent violence” when it comes to cops getting shot. Of course, they had nothing to say regarding the scores of people who are killed by cops with no justification whatsoever. To compare, 2016 saw 135 cops killed, while 968 people were killed BY cops. So, yeah, the real problem here is violence, sure, but it’s not against the police.

Trump and Sessions know good and damn well who they are targeting here. It’s not people who look like them or their kids. It’s people of color who are often stopped by police for no good reason whatsoever.

Let’s face it — this will lead to more murder by cop and mass incarceration of people of color, which is, of course, exactly what racists like Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions want.


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