Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Anti-marriage equality forces vow to fight on, but the goals have shifted

Rss@dailykos.com (hunter)
Saturday, October 11, 2014, 5:40 pm
In the wake of the Supreme Court bowing out of the anti-marriage-equality fight, opponents of that equality vow to fight on. Even for them, though, the goalposts are shifting.
Opponents of same-sex marriage like Mr. Campbell and Mr. Brown say their goal at this point is not to return to the days when it was illegal everywhere, but to allow individual states to decide, whether through legislation or plebiscite.
Mr. Brown said that his group would also press for a constitutional amendment declaring the right of states to define marriage and that, in the coming elections, it would target Republicans who strayed from the traditional line on marriage.
Demanding that individual states still be allowed to retain their cultural heritage of treating people like crap even after the point when the rest of the country can no longer stomach it is indeed the last battlefront of any civil rights debate.

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