Thursday, January 16, 2014

On the topic of Israel

It is not politically correct in the U.S. to criticize Israel, but does anyone else think they've gone way beyond the original intent in establishing a homeland for the Jews?  Seems to me they are abusing the power they get from being protected by the U.S. and are now doing great harm to other ethnic groups in the area. I think it's time to reign them in a little bit.

Israeli Minister: 'Messianic' John Kerry Should Take His Nobel, Leave Us Alone (Click on this heading to read more)

Israel's defense minister was quoted Tuesday as saying that the country's salvation lies in U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry winning the Nobel Peace Prize and leaving Israel alone, Reuters reported.
Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel's biggest-selling newspaper, also quoted Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon calling Kerry's effort to hammer out a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine "messianic."
"Secretary of State John Kerry - who has come to us determined and is acting out of an incomprehensible obsession and a messianic feeling - cannot teach me a single thing about the conflict with the Palestinians," Yaalon said, as quoted by Reuters.
"The only thing that can save us is if Kerry wins the Nobel prize and leaves us alone."

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