Monday, August 12, 2013

The definition of treason

From Forward Progressives
(Click on the link to read more)

So You Believe Guns Give Us The Right to Overthrow Our Government? Congrats, You’re a Traitor

When the gun debate gets brought up, the group of people that often make me laugh the most are those who believe our Second Amendment is meant to keep the “government fearful of its citizens.”  They’ll cite all these historic dictators and their insistence on very strict gun laws—while ignoring the many current free nations which also have very strict laws on gun ownership.

These people honestly believe we were given the right to “bear arms” so that, if need be, we could rise up and overthrow our government.
Well if that’s true, then what’s with that whole Article Three of our Constitution?  You know, the part that reads:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
Wouldn’t preparing for, and advocating the possibility of, war against the United States government constitute “levying war?”

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